News archive
Monday 2011-05-02
Travel Fellowships provided by NSF and SWSA
The US National Science Foundation (NSF) and Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA) will provide travel fellowships for students to attend ISWC 2011. We will post the details shortly on how to apply.[more]
Wednesday 2011-04-27
Personas submission now open!
The submission site for personas is now open. See the Call for Personas.[more]
Monday 2011-04-18
Program Committee for the In-Use Track is announced
We are glad to announce the Program Committee for the In-Use Track.[more]
Monday 2011-04-18
Senior Program Committee for the Research track and Mentors for Doctoral Consortium announced
We are glad to announce the Senior Program Committee for the Research track and the Mentors for the Doctoral Consortium. [more]
Tuesday 2011-02-15
ISWC 2011 moves to Bonn
Recently, we have learned that Rhine-Moselle-Hall, the planned venue for ISWC 2011, might not be completed in time for us to hold the conference there. A significant delay in the reconstruction and the extension of the...[more]
Sunday 2011-01-09
Frank van Harmelen
We are happy to announce that Frank van Harmelen, professor in Knowledge Representation & Reasoning in the AI department (Faculty of Science) at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, will be a keynote speaker.[more]
Friday 2010-12-10
Gerhard Weikum will be a keynote speaker
We are happy to announce that Gerhard Weikum, Research Director at the Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, will be a keynote speaker.[more]