News archive
Monday 2011-07-18
Entry still open for Semantic Web Challenge!
Don't forget you can still enter the Semantic Web Challenge - your chance to showcase a cool Semantic Web application. For more information and to download the Billion Triples Track dataset,...[more]
Friday 2011-07-01
Doctoral Consortium submission deadline is July 11
A quick reminder that the submission deadline for the Doctoral Consortium is July 11. Please submit here: http://www.easychair.org/<wbr></wbr>conferences/?conf=iswc2011dc[more]
Saturday 2011-06-25
New Sponsors
We are very happy to announce several new sponsors: Platinum: AI Journal Gold: Microsoft Research and Yahoo! Research Silver: IEEE Inteligent Systems and IOS Press We would also like to thank our other Platinum...[more]
Saturday 2011-06-25
Nigel Shadbolt will be the keynote speaker at the dinner
We are glad to announce that Nigel Shadbolt will be the keynote speaker at the ISWC 2011 dinner banquet. Remember that this will be no ordinary talk; humor is a must![more]
Saturday 2011-06-25
Doctoral Consortium submission deadline is July 11
Just a reminder that the Doctoral Consortium submission deadline is July 11.[more]
Saturday 2011-06-25
Check out the six tutorials!
ISWC2011 will host two full-day and four half-day tutorials: Scalable Integration and Processing of Linked Data (full day)The Web of Data for E-commerce in Brief (full day)SPARQL 1.1: Theory and Practice (half day)Debugging...[more]
Monday 2011-06-20
Microsoft Research is a Gold Sponsor
We are glad to announce that Microsoft Research is a new Gold Sponsor of ISWC2011[more]