Elsevier Developer Session
This session will further familiarize participants to the SciVerse Applications platform, an OpenSocial based gadgets framework which extends the online search and discovery platform SciVerse. Using Elsevier Content and Framework APIs, developers can create apps to integrate data and tools into the scientific articles on ScienceDirect and Scopus, and complement the search workflows across all of SciVerse.
SciVerse contains about a quarter of the worlds peer reviewed scientific full text articles (currently numbering at over 11 million) as well as the world's largest abstract and citation database containing 40 million abstracts, plus hundreds of millions of scientific web documents, author profiles and affiliation profiles. Combining search and retrieval API access to this unparalleled volume of content with a global user base of 15,000,000 researchers, SciVerse Applications offers developers a unique opportunity to create applications which can have a real impact the efficiency of researchers worldwide.