
Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Semantic Web Challenge

Award Sponsors

NSF Funds Application

Please note: If you are awarded a fellowship, you will be expected to submit an expense report along with copies of your receipts in order to receive reimbursement for your travel after the conference.

Replying Yes means that you are currently attending a U.S. university and are willing to abide by the restrictions mentioned above (i.e. you will only fly on a U.S. airline and will pay for conference registration via another source).
Seeking NSF Funds?
The minimum amount of fellowship funds that you need in order to be able to attend ISWC, considering other sources of funding that you may have available. This number will not influence the amount you are awarded, only whether or not you are awarded a fellowship at all. If the amount we can award you is under this number, then we will not award you a fellowship, since you have stated that you would not be able to use it for travel to ISWC.
Please type in the letters and numbers from the graphic below.